Responses from the most recent client course

(Summary provided by the client)


18 Participants Responded

1.              I can utilize the information/skills presented in this course in my current position:

                  Yes:         17

                  No:           1


2.              Please describe how you will apply the information/skills learned in this course?

¥ Understand the accounting process better through seeing how the technical side flows.

¥ I am an experienced Information Technology person but I am new to the Oil & Gas industry.  I now have a basic understanding the basics of production and its terminology.  This will help with the work I do in IT.

¥ Any time you can gain more knowledge pertaining to your field of work, it is helpful.

¥ Knowledge in all areas of the oil industry is helpful.

¥ I just learned a lot of information that I didn't have before.

¥ This class was very informative. Probably will not be able to apply too much. I don't think it hurts any of us to be more informed. The things we learn always seem to filter their way back into are work.

¥ This has given me additional knowledge about the petroleum industry which will allow me to understand how and where my position fits in. Also, this will help me when reviewing various invoices in my position.

¥ The course comprised a thorough overview of petroleum processes; since I'm employed as a geological tech, the concepts covered serve as helpful reinforcement of my current knowledge and skills.

¥ Help to identify geological, well & production types of data accordingly when creating arc projects & literature searches for professionals.

¥ I will apply more information in base maps such as pipeline layers, processing stations etc.

¥ I have a better understanding of the upstream side of the business now.

¥ This class helped me see the whole picture of oil exploration through refinement and distribution.

¥ Gained a deeper understanding on the process oil and gas from beginning to end.

¥ The class gave me a broad overview of the industry as background knowledge for my daily activities.

¥ I will be able to apply GL Accounts to activities described on invoices.

¥ Helped in understanding the frac process and related products.

¥ The first half of the presentation will help clarify information for me and help me understand how my tasks fit into the bigger picture.

¥ It was nice to capture the industry process from beginning to selling/transporting products to the pipeline.


3.            What were the speakersÕ strong points? (Example: Knowledge of Topic, Presentation Skills etc.)

¥ Extensive knowledge and enthusiastic engagement.

¥ Very knowledgeable.  Good speaker.  Kept the class interesting.  The "right brain breaks" were great and kept the class lively.

¥ He had great presentation skills.  He was good at keeping the class engaged by interjecting right-brain exercises.

¥ Well educated man with lots of experience in his field....and he kept the class moving. 

¥ Knowledge of topic and presentation. He was interesting while departing a huge amount of information.

¥ He was very interesting and knew his subject well.

¥ His knowledge of all the topics was key. You can tell he had lots of experience in the industry.

¥ Dr. Leffler had an expert grasp of his subject matter, and was also skilled at keeping it informative and even entertaining to his particular "audience"; he maintained an effective flow of information throughout the day, and managed to keep us engaged as much as possible.

¥ Strong knowledge & experience of subject matters. Pleasant ability to keep course information flowing, good pace, keep students interested and involved in material. Humorous style but concise and detailed subject content.

¥ Very knowledgeable, takes the approach of a layman which gives an opportunity for people from various disciplines to understand the material better.

¥ Dr. Leffler was very knowledgeable or the various facets of the petroleum industry and presented them in a understandable fashion.

¥ Speaker was knowledgeable of topic and presented information in logical and understandable manner.

¥ Very knowledgeable about subject.

¥ The speaker was good at holding the audience's attention. He also had a very good knowledge of the topic.

¥ Downstream

¥ He stayed on point, was humorous, and gave appropriate level of detail.

¥ He was very knowledgeable.

¥ Knowledge and presentation skills.


4.              In what areas can the speaker improve?

¥ Sometimes his voice would trail off and he would be speaking to quietly.  It was as though he would realize it and begin speaking up.

¥ Overall the speaker was good.

¥ Maybe some specimens or samples of subjects discussed in course.

¥ The chemistry side of the presentation was a bit overwhelming but I do understand that it is a complex topic.

¥ Perhaps a little more formal in presentation and prepared for class.  He admitted to not have given this class in a while and took a little time to get himself reacquainted with the material.


5.              Additional comments regarding course, materials, location, speaker etc:

¥ His credentials and his experience in the industry were helpful in his presentation of the material.  He was very enjoyable and informative while making the topic interesting at the same time.

¥ Enjoyed the class very much. 

¥ I would highly recommend this class to everyone.

¥ Could possibly help splitting the class into two half days. It was a lot of information to take in and became harder as the day went on.

¥ Course material, location, and speaker were great.  Highly recommend Dr. Leffler. I have purchased his "nontechnical" books previously and would recommend them.

¥ A microphone/sound system would have been beneficial.  Soft pretzels were delivered to room after afternoon break was over.

¥ The course had more to do with the refining process and distribution process than the processes Samson is involved in.


6.              What suggestions do you have for additional training opportunities that apply to your position?

¥ I really don't have any ideas.  I just enjoy learning about all aspects of the business. 

¥ I would like to see more Kofax training.

¥ I don't have any suggestions but I still think taking these classes help keep me more rounded.

¥ I already see a lot of other classes and opportunities. I believe HR does a good job in providing a wide array of classes that pertain to my position.

¥ Just keep bringing them to our attention as they become available....thanks.   :-)

¥ Seismic attributes & methodology courses.

¥ Would like to see a secondary class like this one that goes into more detail on downstream uses of products, (ngl's olefins) and related products.